Split Infinitive Trust: Application Forms
If you have been unable to download the application form, please click 'print' from your browser making sure to print all pages. Please ensure you have read the guidelines on the Home page before submitting an application.

Please note, at the current time the Trust's efforts are focused on supporting individual students and that the Trust is no longer accepting repeat applications nor applications from organisations in order to keep within our strictly limited budget.

Important Notes:
Application forms which are not completed in full will be automatically declined.
Please ensure all fields are complete for applications to be considered.
Please ensure the 'Account in name of' exactly matches the name the Bank Account is held under. Incorrect information will delay the application.
Applications are now being accepted for the next meeting of the trustees towards the end of September. The next deadline for receipt of applications is 12 noon, Monday 17 March 2025.

Split Infinitive Application Form - Page 1

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Split Infinitive Trust.
A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England No: 5392995.
Registered Office: Hanover House, 14 Hanover Square, London W1S 1HP.
Registered Charity No: 1110380

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